Class LocalVideoStats

The statistics of the local video stream.


  • LocalVideoStats



captureBrightnessLevel?: CaptureBrightnessLevelType

The brightness level of the video image captured by the local camera. See CaptureBrightnessLevelType.

captureFrameHeight?: number

The height (px) for capturing the local video stream.

captureFrameRate?: number

The frame rate (fps) for capturing the local video stream.

captureFrameWidth?: number

The width (px) for capturing the local video stream.

codecType?: VideoCodecType

The codec type of the local video. See VideoCodecType.

encodedBitrate?: number

The bitrate (Kbps) while encoding the local video stream. This value does not include the bitrate for resending the video after packet loss.

encodedFrameCount?: number

The number of the sent video frames, represented by an aggregate value.

encodedFrameHeight?: number

The height of the encoded video (px).

encodedFrameWidth?: number

The width of the encoded video (px).

encoderOutputFrameRate?: number

The output frame rate (fps) of the local video encoder.

hwEncoderAccelerating?: number

The local video encoding acceleration type. 0: Software encoding is applied without acceleration. 1: Hardware encoding is applied for acceleration.

qualityAdaptIndication?: QualityAdaptIndication

The quality adaptation of the local video stream in the reported interval (based on the target frame rate and target bitrate). See QualityAdaptIndication.

regulatedCaptureFrameHeight?: number

The height (px) adjusted by the built-in video capture adapter (regulator) of the SDK for capturing the local video stream. The regulator adjusts the height and width of the video captured by the camera according to the video encoding configuration.

regulatedCaptureFrameRate?: number

The frame rate (fps) adjusted by the built-in video capture adapter (regulator) of the SDK for capturing the local video stream. The regulator adjusts the frame rate of the video captured by the camera according to the video encoding configuration.

regulatedCaptureFrameWidth?: number

The width (px) adjusted by the built-in video capture adapter (regulator) of the SDK for capturing the local video stream. The regulator adjusts the height and width of the video captured by the camera according to the video encoding configuration.

rendererOutputFrameRate?: number

The output frame rate (fps) of the local video renderer.

sentBitrate?: number

The actual bitrate (Kbps) while sending the local video stream. This value does not include the bitrate for resending the video after packet loss.

sentFrameRate?: number

The actual frame rate (fps) while sending the local video stream. This value does not include the frame rate for resending the video after packet loss.

targetBitrate?: number

The target bitrate (Kbps) of the current encoder. This is an estimate made by the SDK based on the current network conditions.

targetFrameRate?: number

The target frame rate (fps) of the current encoder.

txPacketLossRate?: number

The video packet loss rate (%) from the local client to the Agora server before applying the anti-packet loss strategies.

uid?: number

The ID of the local user.

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