Enumeration ChannelMediaRelayError

The error code of the channel media relay.

Enumeration Members

RelayErrorDestTokenExpired: 11

11: The token of the destination channel has expired.

RelayErrorFailedJoinDest: 5

5: Fails to accept the relay request.

RelayErrorFailedJoinSrc: 4

4: Fails to send the relay request.

RelayErrorFailedPacketReceivedFromSrc: 6

6: The server fails to receive the media stream.

RelayErrorFailedPacketSentToDest: 7

7: The server fails to send the media stream.

RelayErrorInternalError: 9

9: An internal error occurs in the server.

RelayErrorNoResourceAvailable: 3

3: The SDK fails to access the service, probably due to limited resources of the server.

RelayErrorServerConnectionLost: 8

8: The SDK disconnects from the server due to poor network connections. You can call leaveChannel to leave the channel.

RelayErrorServerErrorResponse: 1

1: An error occurs in the server response.

RelayErrorServerNoResponse: 2

2: No server response. This error may be caused by poor network connections. If this error occurs when initiating a channel media relay, you can try again later; if this error occurs during channel media relay, you can call leaveChannel to leave the channel. This error can also occur if the channel media relay service is not enabled in the project. You can contact to enable the service.

RelayErrorSrcTokenExpired: 10

10: The token of the source channel has expired.

RelayOk: 0

0: No error.

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